Stagecraft for SCAMPs +
Scamps Perform!

Runs: Sep. 11 - Nov. 20, 2021

Who: Students ages 12-15

When: Classes on Saturdays, 9:00 - 11:45 am, Sep. 11 - Nov. 20, 2021 with a special showcase on the last day of class.

Cost: $300, all materials included (a $50 savings over signing up for each separately)

Instructors: Hunter Hnat, Raulie Martinez, and guest artists.

Interested in being both IN the spotlight AND holding it? Learn both! Stagecraft for Scamps + Scamps Perform!: Fall 2021 explores what occurs both onstage and backstage (and in the wings, and in the booth…) in a theatrical production! This course recommended for students ages 12-15 who wish to experience ALL aspects of theater through ensemble work, hands-on activities, and individual scenes. Students will learn about the myriad aspects of theatre production & performance from concept through creation. The course will cultivate a sense of dedication to craft, respect for fellow artists, and joy in performing. The classes will culminate in a showcase presentation of all the students’ talent & hard work. New and experienced students all welcome!

Note: Students interested in learning the technical and design aspects of theater ONLY can sign up for Stagecraft for Scamps independently; it runs from 9:00 - 10:15 am. Students interested in focusing on performance aspects of theater ONLY can sign up for Scamps Perform! independently; it runs from 10:30 - 11:45 am.

Skills students will develop during this course:

  • Ensemble building and nurturing

  • Movement and gesture

  • Vocal skills

  • Collaborative storytelling

  • Understanding the instruments, technology and art of lighting for theater

  • Understanding drafting and design methodology behind set and properties design

  • Imagining, designing, and gathering costumes

  • Understanding how design speaks to the message and needs of a play

  • Observation and listening

  • Understanding of theatre terms and technologies

Please read The Scoundrel & Scamp Class Policy prior to registration.

The Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre

738 N. 5th Ave
Tucson, AZ, 85705
United States


Register for both Scamps Perform! and Stagecraft for Scamps: Fall 2021